Santuario de Fauna y Flora Los Colorados, covering 2,470 acres, is the largest national park in the department of Bolívar. When Proyecto Tití began planning to create and connect more forest habitat for cotton-top tamarins, we strategically looked at ways to expand the park’s boundaries. In 2015, Proyecto Tití established Los Titíes de San Juan Forest Reserve, initially protecting 172 acres of land that required extensive restoration to transform former agricultural areas back into thriving forests for wildlife. Over the years, we acquired additional land and continued our restoration efforts, watching with joy as trees grew rapidly in the tropical climate and wildlife began to return to the newly restored forest.

This year, we are thrilled to celebrate a recent land acquisition that has effectively doubled the size of Los Titíes de San Juan Forest Reserve, making it nearly as large as the national park! This expansion gives us hope that these two protected areas will become a stronghold for cotton-top tamarins and other native wildlife in the region.