Empowering Los Limites: Community Trains & Gears Up to Protect Cotton-top Tamarins and Their Forests from Fires

A few months ago, a bus caught fire by the roadside, and the flames quickly spread through the pastures of Hacienda El Ceibal, threatening the nearby forest. If it weren't for the swift response of the Los Limites community, the outcome could have been much worse. With only the water they could carry on their backs and no proper firefighting resources, the community came together to stop the fire from reaching the forest. It was a remarkable act of bravery and generosity, especially considering Los Limites lacks running water. They must purchase all their drinking water and store it in tanks.

In recognition of their dedication to protecting the forest and cotton-top tamarins, and with support from our donors and the Disney Conservation Fund, we provided Los Limites with the necessary resources to fight future fires. Since Los Limites relies on stored water, we installed two 5,000-liter tanks in the community and filled them with water. Additionally, we supplied firefighting equipment, including portable water tanks, heat-resistant gloves, rakes, and machetes.

Because the nearest fire stations are far away and often face water shortages during the dry season, it’s essential for the community to respond quickly. While their first step is always to call firefighters, we want to ensure they can take immediate action until help arrives. To support this, we organized training sessions where firefighters taught the community how to control fires near their homes. Community members also took part in fire simulations to practice these skills.

As the dry season approaches, we will conduct another training session to prepare the community for the upcoming fire season. With these new resources and training, the people of Los Limites are better equipped to protect their homes and the forests that are vital to cotton-top tamarin survival. The firefighters, too, now have a dependable group they can count on in emergencies. Empowering communities to protect natural resources is at the heart of our mission. Thank you, Los Limites, for your unwavering commitment to safeguarding the forest homes of cotton-top tamarins!