Luis Soto, Disney Conservation Hero
For more than 30 years, Luis Soto spent almost every day in the forest studying cotton-top tamarins or leading groups of school children, visitors, or colleagues to share in the joy of watching these amazing animals in their forest home. He was instrumental in helping us to select our long-term field sites, identifying forests for protection, and conducting the first population estimate of wild cotton-top tamarins in Colombia. He has trained numerous biologists, authored more than 20 scientific articles, and is a leader in the field of conservation biology. Even as he now enjoys retirement, you can find our beloved Soto teaching classes to young kids and taking them on walks in the forest to see native wildlife. He is always eager to show how he creates compost in his home, has a large organic garden, and continues to share his passion and knowledge of wildlife with everyone who stops by for a visit. He continues in emeritus status as our scientific advisor and we look forward to his continued support of Proyecto Tití.