Would you like to have an impact in saving cotton-top tamarins? Help spread the word about Proyecto Tití and host a fundraiser on Facebook or Instagram. We’ve created a step by step guide on how to host a fundraiser complete with images and suggested text. It’s up to decide how you would like to help. You can create a campaign to ask for funds or if you would like to tailor your campaign to the area of your interest please choose from the following:
- Help us raise funds to purchase more workbooks for children in our education program.
- Help us raise funds to purchase TITI POST so that we can create fences to protect newly planted restorations areas.
- Help us raise funds to plant trees for tamarins.
We need your help in sharing our work in your community and get even more people involved in caring for cotton-top tamarins! Join our team to protect this critically endangered monkey! Together we can make sure that cotton-top tamarins will continue to have a future in the wild.
Get started today with our fundraiser kit!

Would you like to have an impact in saving cotton-top tamarins? Help spread the word about Proyecto Tití and host a fundraiser on Facebook or Instagram. We’ve created a step by step guide on how to host a fundraiser complete with images and suggested text. It’s up to decide how you would like to help. You can create a campaign to ask for funds or if you would like to tailor your campaign to the area of your interest please choose from the following:
· Help us raise funds to purchase more workbooks for children in our education program.
· Help us raise funds to purchase TITI POST so that we can create fences to protect newly planted restorations areas.
· Help us raise funds to plant trees for tamarins.
We need your help in sharing our work in your community and get even more people involved in caring for cotton-top tamarins! Join our team to protect this critically endangered monkey! Together we can make sure that cotton-top tamarins will continue to have a future in the wild.