
In the News

Updates from Proyecto Tití

Titi Tidbids Edición de Septiembre 2017

Titi Tidbids Edición de Septiembre 2017

En días pasados se dio inicio al programa AMIGUAU en la comunidad de Santa Catalina, Bolívar...
Titi Tidbids September 2017 Edition

Titi Tidbids September 2017 Edition

AMIGUAU has begun in Santa Catalina and we are so very happy that John Thomton and Alejandra Aramburo from Disney’s Animal Kingdom are here to help train our team.
Save the forest

Save the forest Interview
Titi Tidbids Edición Agosto 2017

Titi Tidbids Edición Agosto 2017

Este año la celebración del Día del Tití regresó, con bombos y platillos, a la vereda de Los Límites en Luruaco, Atlántico, en donde nació hace ya 11 años.
Titi Tidbids August 2017 Edition

Titi Tidbids August 2017 Edition

This year we returned to Los Límites to celebrate the Day of the Cotton-top.
Titi Tidbits Edición Julio 2017

Titi Tidbits Edición Julio 2017

Entre abril y julio se da siempre una temporada muy especial en el bosque de los titíes. Es la temporada en que damos la bienvenida a los nuevos miembros de las familias de titíes cabeciblancos que monitoreamos de forma permanente.
Titi Tidbits: July 2017 Edition

Titi Tidbits: July 2017 Edition

There is nothing more exciting for us than when we get to see some tiny little heads peaking over the shoulders of their caregivers. Yes, it’s the time of year when...
Titi Tidbits: June Edition

Titi Tidbits: June Edition

We are proud to announce that our very own Rosamira Guillen, Executive Director of Proyecto Tití, recently traveled to Washington D.C. to accept the 2017 National Geographic Society/Buffet Award for Leadership in Conservation.
Cotton-top Tamarins in Ranger Rick Magazine!

Cotton-top Tamarins in Ranger Rick Magazine!

Cotton-top tamarins make a special feature as part of this month's issue of Ranger Rick magazine for kids! Read the story here.
Proyecto Tití | 2016 Annual Report

Proyecto Tití | 2016 Annual Report

Proyecto Tití's 2016 Annual Report is now available to view!

Position Statement

Proyecto Tití's Position Statement on nonhuman primates in the Media

WHEREAS live nonhuman primates are often portrayed in the media as frivolous caricatures of humans, dressed in clothing and trained to do tricks on command for the amusement of the general public but with disregard to the welfare and conservation consequences; and
WHEREAS many nonhuman primates used as actors in movies and television and as photo props for commercials and greeting cards are often removed from their mothers shortly after birth and are denied opportunities for normal social and psychological development; and
WHEREAS the use of nonhuman primates in this industry often involves aversive techniques to maintain control of these animals; and
WHEREAS the inappropriate portrayal of nonhuman primates inaccurately conveys their biology and conservation status and may affect public attitudes including those in range countries where interactions with these animals have potential damaging consequences; and
WHEREAS evidence suggests that many nonhuman primate species are susceptible to many of the pathogenic infections that afflict humans and the transmission of infection can occur in both directions, especially in performing circumstances in which primates are in direct proximity with public audiences including children and the elderly,
Proyecto Titi Inc. and Fundacion Proyecto Titi therefore opposes the use of nonhuman primates as performers, photo props or actors.