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Titi Tidbids August 2017 Edition

Titi Tidbids August 2017 Edition

This year we returned to Los Límites to celebrate the Day of the Cotton-top with great fanfare!...

The governor of Atlántico, Eduardo Verano, joined in the celebration as children and their families from neighboring communities joined us in some fun activities. 
You can’t have a celebration in Colombia without a lot of singing and dancing and this year was no exception!  The “Titi Me Llamo” contest, based on the popular Colombian reality show “Yo Me LLamo”, gave kids the opportunity to dress up as their favorite singer and create new lyrics about cotton-top tamarins to their favorite song. 

But the crowning of the 2017 Cotton-top Queen, Yarilus Restrepo, and her court was a fan favorite.  There was a lot of cheering for our friends from Santa Catalina, this year’s winning team  of the Copa de Tití. 
The crowd truly enjoyed celebrating how we are all working together to save cotton-top tamarins for the future!


But the crowning of the 2017 Cotton-top Queen, Yarilus Restrepo, and her court was a fan favorite.  There was a lot of cheering for our friends from Santa Catalina, this year’s winning team  of the Copa de Tití. 
The crowd truly enjoyed celebrating how we are all working together to save cotton-top tamarins for the future! 

We are thrilled to announce that Baqui is the mascot for the Central American and Caribbean games that will be hosted in Barranquilla in 2018!  Baqui’s design was inspired by cotton-top tamarins and he provides a great opportunity for everyone watching the games to see just how proud the city of Barranquilla is of their cotton-tops!
We are thrilled that Baqui was designed to help share the story of cotton-top tamarins as we work to increase awareness of the threats facing this critically endangered primate throughout Colombia.
Baqui will not only be the official mascot of the games, but will do his part in helping to share the importance of protecting forests for cotton-tops and helping to reduce the number of cotton-tops that are kept as pets.  We are sure that with Baqui’s energy and enthusiasm for the games and for the conservation of cotton-tops, he will be a great ambassador for conservation in Colombia.



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Position Statement

Proyecto Tití's Position Statement on nonhuman primates in the Media

WHEREAS live nonhuman primates are often portrayed in the media as frivolous caricatures of humans, dressed in clothing and trained to do tricks on command for the amusement of the general public but with disregard to the welfare and conservation consequences; and
WHEREAS many nonhuman primates used as actors in movies and television and as photo props for commercials and greeting cards are often removed from their mothers shortly after birth and are denied opportunities for normal social and psychological development; and
WHEREAS the use of nonhuman primates in this industry often involves aversive techniques to maintain control of these animals; and
WHEREAS the inappropriate portrayal of nonhuman primates inaccurately conveys their biology and conservation status and may affect public attitudes including those in range countries where interactions with these animals have potential damaging consequences; and
WHEREAS evidence suggests that many nonhuman primate species are susceptible to many of the pathogenic infections that afflict humans and the transmission of infection can occur in both directions, especially in performing circumstances in which primates are in direct proximity with public audiences including children and the elderly,
Proyecto Titi Inc. and Fundacion Proyecto Titi therefore opposes the use of nonhuman primates as performers, photo props or actors.